Happy Holidays!
The staff of CNY Orthopedic Sports Medicine, PC wishes you a happy and healthy holiday season.
This winter Dr. Carr will return to the Adirondacks for an advanced ice wall climbing course to prepare for his future summit attempt of Mount Rainier.

November: Ascent of Mauna Loa
Dr. Carr ascends Mauna Loa to the Summit Caldera called Moku’ aweoweo. This enormous volcano covers half the island of Hawaii and rises 13,680 feet above sea level. Seen in the background is Mauna Kea which Dr. Carr summited last year.

October: Oct 10 – 14
Dr. Carr leaves for the Big Island of Hawaii as a medical volunteer for the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon. He will also attend the 16th Annual Ironman Sports Medicine Conference 2004 – a conference geared toward the specific treatment and care of endurance athletes.

September: CNY Orthopedic Sports Medicine at the New York State Fair
Dr. Carr and colleagues volunteer to share exciting orthopedic news at the Onondaga Medical Society Booth in the Hall of Health. Many thanks to the Medical Society staff for their assistance during our sessions at the fair!

August: 4th Annual Company Retreat
Lake Placid was again the destination for our annual company retreat. A record 27 members of our CNYOSM family hit the “high peaks” hiking over 30 miles during the 3 day event.

Dr. Carr and his expedition team return from Mount Kilimanjaro…