2020 Wrap up
Covid put a halt to much of the travel and climbing in 2020, but the team got a mix of rock projects and state highpoints done towards round [...]
Covid put a halt to much of the travel and climbing in 2020, but the team got a mix of rock projects and state highpoints done towards round [...]
Another rock heavy year included three new locations and a new team member as Malana Giustina joined the team. Besides the normal circuit, the team explored Red River [...]
A mix of more state high points and rock climbing, ranging from Mauna Kea to Denali where team member Ken Rowell had a new personal high at the [...]
In March, the team completed 17 state high points in the east. The summer included world class rock climbing in Red Rocks, Squamish - British Colombia, and France. [...]
This climbing season sure has been busy! Dr. Carr and Team have been training diligently to hone their rock climbing skills in two of the best known areas [...]
The Adirondack Mountains is where Dr. Carr discovered his zest for all things climbing, and joining the ADK 46ers, the group of people who reach the summit of [...]
As is the case on many mountains, weather and other forces of nature sometimes prevent climbing efforts. Unfortunately, Carstensz was not climbable last year due to forest fires, [...]
Dr. Carr and his Physician's Assistant, Robert Stroman II, reached the summit of Grand Teton, a mountain standing 13,770 feet tall in August of 2014, being a long [...]
Dr. Carr has been honing his rock climbing skills this summer in preparation for an expedition to climb Cartstensz Pyramid. Favorable training ground for more technical rock climbing [...]
The CNY-OSM climbing team reached the summit of Kilimanjaro in tanzania, Africa on January 6th, 2015 (Dr. Carr's birthday). This is the second time Dr. Carr has visited [...]